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What is Mindfulness Supervision?


It’s a reflective dialogue and inquiry that explores not only the process of mindfulness teaching, and all that can bring up for us, but also includes exploring personal mindfulness practice, and its impact within our work and everyday lives


What’s on Offer


I offer 60, 45 or 30 minute long sessions via Zoom or phone, to mindfulness teachers in training, new teachers, and experienced teachers.

I also offer supervision for your personal practice, either to refresh it, or to support you through meeting challenges with a mindful approach.



My experience


I trained as a supervisor through the Bangor University’s Centre for Mindfulness in 2015 and completed MBI-TAC training in 2016

I’ve taught over 40 MBCT/MBSR courses to the general public, in education, for carers, and have also adapted and taught courses for mental health contexts

I’m trained in .b and .b Foundations, and MBCT For Life (MYRIAD) and teach mindfulness in schools and to university students

I'm also a trainer, mentor and supervisor with the Foundation training in Mindfulness based Approaches (MBCT/MBSR) at Sussex Mindfulness Centre



£55 per hour

£27.50 per half hour






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